Kathryn Mannix

Dr Kathryn Mannix FRCP (London) qualified from Newcastle Medical School, UK in 1982 and she trained in medicine, oncology, cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) and palliative medicine in the North of England. She was a founder member of the Association for Palliative Medicine. Her clinical and research interests were in palliation of nausea and vomiting, and application of CBT in a palliative care setting. She was made a Fellow of the British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies in recognition of her contribution in developing CBT therapy and staff training in palliative care.

After working in palliative care for 30 years in hospitals, community teams and hospitals, she took early retirement to work for better public understanding of dying. She writes, lectures and broadcasts widely in the UK and beyond, and her first book ‘With the End in Mind’ was shortlisted for the Wellcome Book Prize.


ACP-i 2021 Secretariat
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