Organizing Committee / ACP-i Board
President elected
Prof Dr med. Dipl. Soz. Tanja Krones
Tanja Krones was educated as physician and sociologist at the University of Marburg (Germany). Inspired by her mentor Gerd Richter who worked with John Fletcher at the University of Virginia as clinical ethicists she conducted several research projects in the field of ethics and worked as co chair of the IRB and as clinical ethicist.
Since 2009, she serves as Head of the Clinical Ethics Unit at the University Hospital Zurich, associated with the Institute of Biomedical Ethics and History of Medicine at the University of Zurich.
During her work, she became aware of the problems of good patient-centred care, when patients turn incapable of decision-making. This led to her current main research and practice interest of promoting Advance Care Planning in research and practice. She was the principle Investigator of the MAPS (Multiprofessional Advance Care Planning and Shared Decision Making ) – trial funded by the Swiss national science foundation, and is member of the German and Swiss national Task forces for implementing Advance Care Planning nationwide.
In 2012 she joined the former ACPEL society and has been selected as President of ACP-i in September 2017.
Vice President
Dr Stephanie Anderson
Respecting Choices, a division of C-TAC Innovations
Dr Stephanie Anderson is the deputy executive director of Respecting Choices, a division of C-TAC Innovations. She is responsible for designing and leading strategy and operations including the delivery of this internationally recognized program. She has over 25 years of experience in palliative care and hospice, home care, case management, and emergency medicine. Dr. Anderson believes person-centered decision making based on an individual’s goals and values truly transforms care and should be the top priority to delivering exceptional whole-person healthcare.
Prof Dr Jürgen in der Schmitten
Family Practitioner and Head of Department at the dpt of General Practice, University Hospital of Essen
Jürgen in der Schmitten is a family practitioner and psychotherapeut in a group practice in the city of Meerbusch (near Düsseldorf). He works part time as lecturer and researcher at the department of General Practice at the university hospital of Essen. In this function he has co-ordinated the interdisciplinary research project RESPEKT that developed and implemented the regional ACP program beizeiten begleiten (≈ ‘[be] caring betimes’) with a grant of the German Ministry for Education and Research (2008-2011), and he is committed to further regional implementation of ACP programs in Germany.
Prof Dr Jessica Simon
Professor and Division head for Palliative Medicine, Department of Oncology at the University of Calgary, Canada
She serves as a clinician, researcher and in administrative positions related to advance care planning. She co-led a program of advance care planning research in Alberta, Canada from 2013-19 ( She volunteers on advisory boards for ACP Alberta and ACP Canada and also works as a Physician Consultant for Advance Care Planning and Goals of Care for Alberta Health Services, Calgary Zone as well as a consultant in palliative care.
Leigh Manson, B.Proc, LLB, MBA
ACP National Programme Lead – Health Quality & Safety Commission, New Zealand
Leigh has a background in medical malpractice and third-party injury litigation, health sector business administration and quality improvement using a Lean Six Sigma methodology. Since 2010, she has been leading the development of ACP in New Zealand through various roles including facilitating the work of the National ACP Cooperative, the National ACP Training Programme, programme managing ACP for the Northern Region, and the ACP deployment at the Auckland District Health Board and participating in policy development as a member of the Ministry of Health ACP Guidelines advisory group and Health Quality & Safety Commission ACP Advisory Group.
She was elected to the ACP-I committee in 2015 at the conference in Munich and believes her background and experience bring a non-clinical and practical perspective to the commitee.
Dr Raymond Ng
Woodlands Health Campus, Singapore
Dr. Raymond Ng is a palliative care physician and clinical lead in advance care planning (ACP) in Woodlands Health Campus. He is also co-chairman of the national ACP steering committee and chair of the ACP research and development committee. He believes that everyone has a personal narrative that influences his/her healthcare and that ACP should become a standard of person centred care.
Prof Karen Detering
Respiratory Physician and Clinical Ethicist, Australia
She is currently working for Tasmanian Health Services and is an associate professor at Swinburne University in Melbourne. Until July 2020, Karen was the Medical Director of Advance Care Planning Australia. She has worked on range of international and Australian programs related to advance care planning education, implementation, and research. Karen has been involved in the Advance Care Planning International Society and board since the inaugural international conference held in Melbourne in 2010.