Christine Wilkins

Christine Wilkins, Ph.D., LCSW is the Advance Care Planning Program Manager at NYU Langone Health where she oversees system-wide ACP as an integral component of quality patient care. At NYULH, Dr. Wilkins led the implementation of the New York State electronic Medical Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment, and has trained staff from varying disciplines in the Respecting Choices ACP programs. Dr Wilkins has published and presented on advance care planning, palliative care, social work in health care, intimate partner violence, and social work with groups. She serves as a board member on National POLST, New York State MOLST, and has just been elected to the Society for Social Work Leadership in Healthcare Board of Directors. Dr. Wilkins is a graduate of New York University, University of Toronto, and University of Malta.


ACP-i 2021 Secretariat
GUARANT International spol. s r. o.
Českomoravská 19
190 00  Prague 9
Czech Republic

Phone: +420 284 001 444