ACP-I digital Exchange
Official language
The official language of the ACP-I Digital Exchange 2021 is English. Translation services will not be provided.
Program Changes
The organizers cannot assume liability for any changes in the program due to external or unforeseen circumstances.
Recording Policy
The content, graphics, sound recordings, video sequences and texts on the website published by GUARANT International spol. s r.o. are subject to copyright. Dissemination, reproduction or use of graphic images, sound recordings, video sequences and texts in other electronic or printed publications without the express consent of the author is not permitted. GUARANT International spol. s r. o. shall not be liable for any infringement of copyright in the event of their unauthorized use by third parties.
Conference format
The ACP-I Digital Exchange 2021 will be a fully virtual meeting. There will be a breakout sessions to discuss the presentations and a lounge as an interactive element for sharing information and socializing with other participants. All sessions will be recorded and made available for after the end of the conference.
Time Zone
All times in the conference programme are in Universal Time Coordinated (UTC).
Virtual library
The virtual library with records from our first ACP-I 2021 digital exchange will be available from Friday, 3 September 2021 for a period of 6 weeks.